The Energy Body Demystified

Ready to Clear Energetic Blocks?

Have you been feeling like you need to shift your energy?

Join this 11 stage energetic offering to start healing, aligning and manifesting the life of your dreams!



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What is

The Energy Body Demystified?

The Energy Body Demystified! In this offering I am going to teach you more tools, applications and techniques to really understand the Energy World in a very deep altruistic way. Every Stage you will uncover and discover new material on how to use energy, how to shift it in your life and how to make a positive change for you.

We are going to focus on the spirit side of you first, to create a presence in the body. Why is this so important? Because when you are full and present as an energy being - You will feel confident, comfortable and relaxed. You will be able to make decisions easier. You will essentially be learning how to ground into your body, while being present and utilizing your Higher Mind.

Discover the powerful healer inside of you that's just wanting (waiting) to come out, ready to improve your life, and to help you, and to help other people too.


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Video & Audio Lessons

Each Stage of this energetic offering includes acts with video or audio.

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Download Guided Meditations

Enjoy the guided meditations as you go about your day, practicing your energy exercises and shifting your energy.

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Mobile App

Watch, Tune In and Connect to EBD course through the Kajabi App.

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 Private Group

Share, Comment, and Connect to Tonya Dee along with other energetic beings in the EBD course.

This is For ME!

Here is a Glimpse of Tonya Dee's The Energy Body Demystified. 

 Scroll below for more details, features, and payment options.


Holistic Sha'Medium Tonya DeeĀ has been helping people find their center and live in alignment for over 30 years. She combines ShamanismĀ with Holistic-based healing practices to provide you with a dynamic experience sure to change your life.


 11 Energetic Stages

Each Energetic Stage includes audio, video, energetic practice exercise, or a Guided Meditation.

The Energy Body Demystified - Stage One Climbing into your skin

Climbing Into Your Skin

Start off learning about Energy Awareness and Climbing into your Skin!

The Energy Body Demystified - Stage Two Guardians of your galaxy

Guardians of Your Galaxy

Take a journey into the Realm of spirit allies, gatekeepers, guardians of your galaxy or whatever resonates with you

The Energy Body Demystified - Stage Three Getting into your heart

Getting Into Your Heart

Master grounding, climbing into your skin, and welcoming the spirit helpers.

The Energy Body Demystified - Stage Four  The Energy Body and Healing

The Energy Body and Healing

Discover the different energetic channels, fields, and how to run them.

The Energy Body Demystified - Stage Five Energetic Boundaries

Energetic Boundaries

Musing about Empathy along with how your boundaries affect your well being, relationships and how to create personal boundaries.


The Energy Body Demystified - Stage Six Unseen Power of Thoughts

Unseen Power of Thoughts

Exploring various emotions and the concepts of " what we feed grows". 

The Energy Body Demystified - Stage Seven Energetic Centers

Energetic Centers

We will explore the various Energetic Centers, healing and clearing energetic blocks from each Energetic Center.

The Energy Body Demystified - Stage Eight Beliefs and Images

Beliefs and Images

Covering various Images or pictures,  which are types of beliefs. Including where your beliefs are stored in your body.

The Energy Body Demystified - Stage Nine Intuitive Side of You

Intuitive Side of You

Find how to use your intuition to connect to the flow of synchronicity and abundance.

The Energy Body Demystified - Stage Ten Awareness


Connecting to your spirit guides and strengthening that Energetic Connection.

The Energy Body Demystified - Stage Eleven Higher Purpose

Higher Purpose

Embrace living in Energetic Flow and  using light to transform and heal!

The Energy Body Demystified - Bonus Love the Skin You're In

Bonus: Love the Skin You're In

Surprise Bonus Stages and Love the Skin You're In Video Series Included!

I FEEL this Is For ME!

Explore Your Energetic Exchange Options

Choose between the Shine, Glow, or Twinkle packages.



4 Monthly Payments

  • The Energy Body Demystified 
  • Private Musing Club
  • One one One Call with Tonya Dee



One Time Payment

  • The Energy Body Demystified 
  • Private Musing Club
  • One one One Call with Tonya Dee



One Time Payment

  • The Energy Body Demystified 
  • Private Musing Club
  • Soliciting Solitude ( $97 Value)
  • One one One Call with Tonya Dee


It's time we awakened the powerful healer you truly are.

If you have any questions about this energetic offering contact me at [email protected]

Browse the Corridor Gallery

Amber Gallegos, Utah

"When I listened to the guidance from this Sha-Medium, small obstacles within myself and around me started to make sense. I was then able to clear the obstacles and start living my life in a new way."

Aimee Whetman, Utah

"Thanks Tonya Dee!! For Working with me to develop my customized  Program that fits my lifestyle and  Personality."

Maria M, Melbourne, Australia

"Tonya Is Insightful and Very Wise  with her Intuitive Gifts. I am Grateful  for her Guidance in a Recent session  with her. It’s opened my eyes to  Possibilities I’d Never Considered Before."