For your IN-Spirited Self

Soul Support Coaching





Learn how to disconnect from the noise around you and tune in to what's happening in your mind, body, spirit and soul. We'll teach you how to:

  • Clear your mind with meditation
  • Connect with your body through nature
  • Align your vision with your reality

It’s time to nurture yourself like never before.

Comfort Session

A FREEĀ (20-Minutes) SessionĀ 

If you are curious, want to know how I can assist you, this 20-minute Comfort Gift Session is exclusively for people who have yet to play with me before.Ā 

It is a ONE-Time Only Opportunity


A One on ONE

Get to know yourself. You'll learn to tune it all out and turn your attention inward.

An Inner Inward to Outer World, Indigenous Healing Session. Recognizing your Innate Gift & Purpose, your Personal Medicine.


A One, Plus Two

Two One-on-One Sessions

Learn what Self-Love looks like and how to incorporate it into your daily routine. These Two One-on-One Sessions, bring out your Gift and Purpose - the Indigenous Medicine out. Ritual and Prescriptions. Setting the Foundation, so that YOU recognize the Magical Essence that is YOU!


A One, Plus Three

Three Individual One-on-One Sessions.

Where ever you are on your healing journey, sometimes we need a little extra TLC.

Gift and Purpose, Personal Medicine - Navigating the Soul, Ritual, Prescriptions and Offerings (the Otherworldly kind).

Taking it to the next level of Loving the Skin YOU are IN!


Transformational Sessions

Futuring, not just looking forward, but moving forward.Ā InitiatingĀ goals that align with who you really are - inside.

All about Options:

the Monthly Mentorship, a 6-Month Immersion to Transform with Monthly Private Sessions and Group Interaction, Pay Monthly in the Shaman Healing Academy

OR 6 Private Sessions for $1299


The SHAmanic Healing Academy

With goals in sight, create a road map to the life you’ve always dreamed of.

The Shamanic Healing Academy offers a Membership or Mentorship Option. 

If you are ready to dive in deep, immersing yourself in your Personal Medicine, Gift & Purpose, going beyond a Healing Journey (usually of the Soul). Your Prime Directive to live your Soul Purpose, the Academy may be the place for you. 


Is Your Energy Body Speaking Another Language?   

If you only knew how often - I literally have felt like I "speak" another language. If you are feeling like no matter what you do, or even how hard you try - there is an aspect of you that may need an initiation.

Maybe you feel like one Soul Support Session is not going to be enough. These Soul Support Sessions were created just for that, no matter where you are on your journey.

Assisting you to integrate with your mind, body, soul and spirit. Learn how to disconnect from the world around you, while connecting to the incredible Magical Being inside of YOU!

Because YOU are so worth it!

 Isn't it Time to

Love the SKIN you are IN?

With one-on-one guidance and group support, you've found a safe place to dig deep and nurture your inner self.



Put the techniques you learn into practice during group coaching sessions. This is a safe place where everyone is working on their own Soul Healing, Self-Love journey.

Before each group session, you’ll get a journaling prompt. This will help your thoughts flow. Then when you come to class, you’ll be ready to share what came up for you. You may find that it's a powerful way to learn that others are having similar struggles and hear the creative ways they are showing up for themselves amongst the chaos of their lives.

We can’t wait to connect and grow with you!

Join the Shamanic Healing Academy Mastery




Most would describe me as so Otherworldly. But in Reality, I am so much more than that! And so are YOU!

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

I've been in the beauty and wellness industry most of my earthly lifetime, however, I was blessed by death at a young age . . . and that story has ALWAYS been in the background guiding me!

Energy Medicine, Shamanism, Chakra's, Aura's, Elementals, the Cosmic Highway and more. Bringing my Indigenous side out of the closet.

"Tonya is one of the most precise and talented energy workers I have ever been honored to know, and absolutely excels at "psychic surgery."

Her ability to conceptualize the energetics causing difficulty is unsurpassed. Even more important, she can transform those challenges with her unlimited capacity to create good where there is harm. Her depth, wisdom, intuition, and spiritual capabilities are absolutely astounding."


Cyndi Dale ~ Author, Intuitive Healer

"You have the ability to be in this World and the Other, simultaneously. I first thought you go to be healed, but you go to heal others. You do what you do for humanity, not for yourself. You are constantly doing "Psychic Surgery," for no other reason, other than you can. You are so Powerful, and yet, so calm.

My Kontomble' Daughter." 

Elder Malidoma Some', Author, Healer, Indigenous Medicine Man, Shaman, Elder of the Dagara Tribe in Dano, Burkina Faso, West Africa (my Friend)



Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life? And no matter what you do, you just can't put your finger on it? Like no matter how hard you work, you are always behind where you (or society) think you should be?

If so, then a session is definitely for you.

I'll help you tune out the world around you and break down your walls. Once you've gotten to know and love who you are on the inside, I'll teach you how to nurture and protect that person as you go through your daily life.

Energy Healing Sessions 

On the day of your scheduled session, please enter into a silent, meditative space a few hours before our session. If we meet virtually, I will record the call and send you a link to the recorded file the day after the session. I also ask that you give yourself reflective time after the session to journal, reflect, or go on a walk out in nature to root the ritual time together deep in your bones, and spirit. I look forward to our Sacred time together.

Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:

Comfort Session


The Gift of Comfort

  • FREE 20-minute session (One-Time Only)
  • Curious How I Can Assist? Have Yet to Play with me?
  • Join the Private "Rising of the Origins" Facebook Village

One Private Session


I AM having a Hiccup!

  • I look forward to our Sacred Time together
  • Access a Soul Support call
  • Join the "Private Rising of the Origins" Facebook GroupĀ 
Book Now!

2 Private Sessions


Need an "Energetic BOOST"

  • Spiritual Growth
  • Accessing Ritual
  • Soul Support Calls
  • Join the Private "Rising of the Origins" FacebookĀ Village


Book Now!

3 Private Sessions


The Trinity

  • Creating a Sacred Container
  • Integrating Ritual
  • Taking a Time-Out with Spirit
  • The Otherworldly Altar
  • Join the Private "Rising of the Origins," Facebook Village




Book Now!

The SHAmanic Healing Academy


Monthly Access MENTORSHIP

  • Access to a Virtual Village, a Community
  • Bi-Weekly "Soul Support" Group
  • Cosmic Updates
  • Ritual, Prescriptions, Offerings
  • Moon Magic: New & Full Moon
  • Monthly One-on-One Session with Tonya Dee (55min)
  • . . . and MORE!

Transformational Sessions


6-Private, One-on-One Sessions

  • Setting the Foundation 
  • Initiating the Core, your Personal Medicine
  • Understanding & Learning Your Gift & Purpose
  • Anchoring Your Medicine in this World
  • Trying Up Loose Ends
  • . . . and MORE!