Gateway into the Realms of OtherWorldly Beings.

Something Otherwordly on the horizon!

Join us for an immersive online experience

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Opening the Door to The Other World

Have you ever wondered about the Invisible Beings of this realm? Have you been curious about connecting to fairies, gnomes, or elemental beings?

The Voices of OtherWorldy beings are available to connect for mutual sharing! It is time for you to connect and listen to their insights.

In my Voices of the Other World  Immersion we will communicate and interact with Other Worldly beings.

It is truly a cosmic transformative experience to embolden your consciousness and expand your cosmic presence.

What is included?

9 Live Videos

Join me and the Voice Collective for each Module of Voices of The Other World.

After the live is over you can enjoy the replay on your profile. This can be helpful if you missed a section during the live.

Q&A to answer all your questions

During the Live, in the private facebook group, or within your Voices of the Other World account you can get answers your questions. 

Group discussion & energy forum

You can discuss what you discover on your Journey with the collective or Tonya to expand your spiritual awakening.

The Voices of The Other World Immersion is designed to be a cosmic transformative experience.

With Handouts, Live session exercises, live discussions, and tailored support, you’ll leave this event with the knowledge to connect to OtherWorldly Beings!


Join Here

The Cosmic Highway Agenda 

All Live Immersion Sessions are on Saturdays between 10:00 AM-Noon Mountain. 

Portal One

Intro to Connecting to OtherWorldly beings, and Creating Community.

Portal Two

Elemental Realm, Elemental Beings, and more!

Portal Three

Element of Fire, The Ancestors, Dreams & Visions. Diving deeper, Elemental Realm & Looking through the Eye of the Creator.

Portal Four

Water Elements, Water Elemental Beings, Connection to Water, Kontomble, & Shapeshifting.

Portal Five

Elemental Earth, Elemental Earth Beings, Connection: Creating a Sacred Earth Alter & Earth Star.

Portal Six

Mineral  Element, Metal Element, Elemental Beings of Mineral and Metal, Connection to Mineral,  Higher Self, Siura & Amulets.

Portal Seven

Wood Element, Nature Beings, Connection to Nature, Totems & Talismans, Wedame', & Spirit Animals.

Portal Eight

Original Earth Beings, Planetary Immersion, Off World, etc.

Portal Nine

Integration of : Offerings, Ritual, Magic, Ceremony & Subtle Energy.

Special Edition Sessions:

Video Replay: Breath and Bone Activation with Erica Thibodeaux

More Special Edition Sessions to be announced!

Reserve your Space now to enjoy the full Live Elemental Experience!

About your host

Video Poster Image

I am a Holistic Sha'Medium - Tonya Dee, who is passionate about Changing Lives, Igniting Passions, on the Information Super Highway, while Awakening the Spirit!

Before there was any online intuition or guidelines, I was on my own in my Spirit Space, commonly known as the โ€œEtheric Highway.โ€ During my journey I discovered that healing is actually assisting others in their journey, helping them achieve their dreams.

I teach what I have experienced, utilizing tools that I work with consistently & consecutively. Creating Habits, Rituals and Daily Sparks to get your own Energy Flowing. Ashe' (Blessings)!

Pricing Options for

Voices of The Other World 


One Time Payment


One Payment of $777

  • Voices of The Other World Immersion
    • 9 Live Sessions
    • 8 Handouts
    • Meditations
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
Reserve Now

Multiple Payment


4 Payments of $222

  • Voices of The Other World Immersion
    • 9 Live Sessions
    • 8 Handouts
    • Meditations
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
Reserve Now
FAQs about the Voices of The Other World.
Want more of a One on One Experience with Tonya Dee?

We experience MisSteps, in a variety of routines. Often, there are patterns involved – Patterns of: Thought, Behavior, Anxiety, Restlessness, Sadness, Fear, Shame and more.

Depending on what type of issue we are having mental or physical will depend on which type of session we will need.

Check below to check out the different type of one on one sessions available.

One on One Sessions