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Buttercup Meditation

Recalibrate your energy centers with this daily meditation and feel a stronger energy flow.


What are Energy Centers?

Energy Centers, also known as Chakras is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or vortex, and it refers to each of the Energy Centers of which our consciousness or energy system is composed.

These Chakra’s or Energy Centers, function as pumps or valves, regulating the flow of energy through our energy system. Spiraling inward and outward from both sides of our unique body.

Buttercup Meditation Video Screen Shot
Buttercup Meditation - aurora borealis

Why Do I Need to Cleanse and Recalibrate my Energy Centers?

A blocked energy center stops the flow of energy, which can affect you in a variety of ways: physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. When stress or tension continues for a long period of time it can create a block in an energetic center. If these blocks are unattended, then a physical symptom occurs leading to other health issues.

Cleansing and Recalibrating your energy centers is vital to your over all B'ing. Eating nutrient rich foods, movement, rest, and solitude along with the Buttercup meditation will help maintain your Energy Center Flow.



Ready to Raise Your Vibration?

Add the Buttercup Meditation to your daily routine and start feeling a higher vibration of Energy!


How Many Energy Centers Are There in This Meditation?

The Energy Centers that are in this meditation are Root Center, Sacral Center, Solar Plexus, Heart Center, Throat Center, Third Eye, and Crown Center.

What is Included in This Buttercup Meditation?

Included in the Buttercup Meditation package is a Visual video and a downloadable audio file.

How Many Times a Day Should I Listen to The Meditation?

You can use the guided meditation as many times a day as you need. Many use it multiple times a day to help with anxiety and stress.

Arielle Nicole Testimonial

Arielle Nicole

“Tonya provided me with the rough draft of the Buttercup meditation some months before polishing it up and offering it formally to her clients. After years of utilizing recorded guided meditations, I can state confidently that this is the most effective I’ve ever heard. If employed as a daily practice, it is a game changer; indeed a life changer! ”

Amber Gallegos Testimonial

Amber Gallegos

“After I listen to the meditation, my chakras are cleansed and I feel a sense of calmness. It has been a daily game changer for me. ”

Ready to Raise Your Vibration

Add this Guided meditation to your daily routine to raise your vibration.