Crone's Hollow 

Cowry Shell Divination



A Unique Method used to address symptoms of adversity and ways to resolve them. 


The Querent

Moves the shells to address the issue at hand, I - the Diviner, then read the shells offering Guidance and Specific Ritual Prescriptions to address the Root Issue of Adversity. 

Cowry Shell Divination 

A Multi-Faceted and adaptable modality that can address any number of sought after inquiries, that may be of present concern, such as: Relationships, Career, Health, etc.


These sacred shells are said to be the doorway through which we can access the world of the Ancestors, the world that holds infinite knowledge, wisdom and a timeless view we cannot otherwise tap into.

At the Threshold of Cowry Shell Divination

There has never been a time like Now to initiate your Personal Medicine. The World is Transforming faster than that of our Ancestors. Knowing your Gift & Purpose, your Personal Medicine - Living your Personal Medicine, is of Urgency in this World. 

Are you Ready to Answer the Call? In this Intimate Session, Tonya Dee is sure to open your eyes to your Personal Medicine, Gift and Purpose, along with Ritual Prescriptions! 

"Hello there! If you're looking to connect and experience Tonya's magic, medicine, and purpose, you're in the right place! Check out Tonya's Soul Support Coaching for an incredible opportunity to connect and receive her guidance. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!"


Soul Support Coaching

Crone's Hollow Sessions


  • Personal Medicine
  • Gift & Purpose
  • Path of Discovery
  • Ritual Prescriptions
  • Channeling "Spirit"
  • + More 

 Crone's Hollow 

3834 So. Main Street

Salt Lake City, UT



Book your Session


A Holistic Shaman, Medium, Otherwordly Life Coach, and Subtle Energy Surgeon.

A "Reflector" by Design, I go by the term Holistic Sha'Medium, which is a choreography of them all.

Grab the "Gift & Purpose" REPLAY!  

Where I will share insight into, the Elemental Highway, Unveiling hidden treasures along the way!

See you on the other side...

IN-Person Divination Opportunities

Cowry Shell Divinations @ Crone's Hollow exclusively on Thursdays, Noon - 4pm, and Saturdays, 5pm - 9:30pm

Cowry Shell Divination

Pricing Varies

What's Included:

  • Insights
  • Personal Medicine
  • Gift & Purpose
  • Specific "Prescription" Rituals



Gift & Purpose



  • Explore Your Personal Medicine
  • The Elementals
  • The Subtle Body
  • The Cosmic Insights


I'm Interested

Ritual Retreats ~ Offerings ~ Coaching

Ready to Step into Your Magic? Your Medicine?

Ritual is at the threshold of Gift & Purpose. If your Soul is pushing you, calling out to you - You may be receiving the call from the Ancestors.



I AM Answering the Call